Open Mornings for prospective families
Please see below regarding our open mornings, in-year admissions and tours for Reception 2026 places. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on or telephone 0118 969 3399. There are also key videos and documents at the bottom of this page.
Visiting the school
For parking and location information, see our dedicated website page here.
Open Mornings for Reception 2026 intake
Our open mornings will be on -
Monday 20 October 2025
Friday 7 November 2025
Monday 24 November 2025
Friday 9 January 2026
Please arrive at 9am to collect a tea or coffee from the PTA. The Open Mornings start at 9.15am with a 30-minute presentation by our headteacher, followed by a school tour led by our Year 5/6 pupils, before a Q&A session with members of staff (including the Headteacher, Out of School Club manager, Year 6 class teacher, deputy headteacher and our admissions lead). The tour will finish by 10.45am at the latest.
We will have electronic registration details - click here. Please note that we will not be issuing e-tickets or email confirmation for the events, so when you register with us, please make a note of the date you have opted for. You must register with us to be allowed on site; when you register, we will add your name to the guest list for that day.
Wokingham Borough Council Information
In-year admissions
Please contact us via email on or telephone 0118 969 3399 to discuss an in-year admission. Please note we have waiting lists for all current year groups (correct as at November 2024).
For in-year applications and to be added to a Waiting List, please apply here -
Virtual school tour and additional information
Please enjoy the videos below and, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on or telephone 0118 969 3399.
Pupil School Tour
Hear from the Chair of the PTA.